Vacancy for the Role of
Clerk to the Thornton Steward Parish Meeting
Hello Everyone,
As you may know, I no longer live in the beautiful village of Thornton Steward and as such, have decided to resign from my role as Clerk with effect from the end of the financial year 2020/21. This, of course, now leaves a vacancy for someone else to take over, from April 1st 2021.
The position is not an onerous one, but entails:
• Forwarding relevant emails for circulation.
• Preparing and circulating notices of meeting Agendas.
• Minute taking during Thornton Steward Parish Meetings (to include typing them up before circulation.)
• Liaising with various services to the village and arranging payment of invoices (grass cutting, relevant insurances etc., as well as listening to members of the village and acting on any concerns raised.)
• The position includes keeping a record of cheques and purchases before uploading to our current financial officer (Victoria at Many Bookkeeping & Accountancy Services), along with compiling the Annual Return, signing and returning it to the Auditors.
• Guardian to the Village Green.
• Other incidentals.
Although this is a voluntary role, it carries an Honorarium payment of £500 paid at the end of each financial year.
I will happily support any interested persons through the process and be a friendly voice at the end of a phone or email.
Please email Angela at if you would like further information or are interested in taking over this role.
Warmest Regards
Angela McCormack (Clerk to TSPM)