20 April 2021
Parish Annual General Meeting, Thursday 13 May 2021

Due to the current guidelines please read the following notes regarding the management of this meeting.

▪  The meeting will be held (weather permitting) to the rear of Honeysuckle Cottage, opposite the Notice board and bus shelter.  Many thanks to Jim and Carol for offering the use of their garden.  This is due to the Institute currently undergoing building works and being out of use. 
▪  Social distancing measures will be in place and adhered to.
▪  Hand sanitiser will be provided, and face masks must be worn.

1. The Annual Return 
2. Resignation of current Parish Clerk
3. Appointment of new Parish Clerk
4. Request for support towards running costs of the Institute. 
5. Request for £320 to buy and fit a new notice board in the bus shelter, protected from adverse weather conditions. 
6. AOB
Angela McCormack 
(Clerk to Thornton Steward Parish Meeting)

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