16 October 2021

There have been many changes in Thornton Steward over the past few years. One has been that Covid provided the opportunity to make changes to The Institute and improve the fabric of the building. With an internal makeover underway by Alec and after cleaning, it is due to be reopened.

Secondly, a number of the Trustees of the TSIF have moved to new pastures and it is good to welcome new people to start to enjoy the facility. New Trustees from the whole of the Parish are needed.

Because of the legal changes that were finally completed in 2019, it means that the onerous requirement that they have a liability is now removed. In the past, the Trustees and supporters have organised community activities from fetes to themed dinners; ceilidhs; barbecues to yoga, pilates and table tennis and public health courses.

The main income over the past few years has been from walkers/ramblers and it is very much on their map. Coffee and tea making facilities were available via a donation and this will be reinstated.

Help is always needed on a rota basis to monitor the kitchen and the toilets so that both these and the income of the facility can be maintained. All practical skills are most welcomed as they are so useful in the upkeep of the building. If we do not get new Trustees very soon it places a heavy burden on just two Trustees and two helpers who are residents in Thornton Steward.

Please consider joining them. Have a chat with Jim Brierley – the Chairperson – who can pass you information about it. Tel. 01677 460066 

For And On Behalf Of The Trustees of The Thornton Steward Institute Foundation

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