Sam Johnson, Chartered Surveyor, has created maps to help define what the Parish Meeting might like to register as village green in the name of Thornton Steward Parish Meeting. He has provided a detailed composite map showing the extent of existing areas registered to North Yorkshire County Council, referred to as VG28 and VG30. In addition to these areas, his map includes the unregistered land in front of The Cottage (owned by Sue and Andrew Sharp).
A paper copy of the composite map (not to scale) is displayed on the Notice Board. Electronic versions of his map, plus the equivalent for the existing VG28 and VG30 parts of the green, are posted on the website, and have been distributed by email.
A scaled paper copy is displayed in the Institute. Here also are copies of the VG28 and VG30 registrations at present, for reference, and a map (not to scale) showing the village green extension outside The Cottage. There are also a few (not to scale) copies of the composite map to take away if needed.
The Parish Clerk suggests that between now and the next village meeting, there will be plenty of opportunity for anyone interested to query the proposed areas, suggest amendments, etc. All queries and suggestions or complaints should be sent to the Parish Clerk in the first place, and she will then involve Sam as needed.
Sam Johnson writes:
I would also urge that all landowners adjoining the village green check the extent of their own property as registered with HM Land Registry or if not registered they review their Title Deeds and compare this with the plans attached. If anybody does not have a copy of their Title Plan, I have an account with HM Land Registry through work where I can download title plans and whilst there is a cost (£3 per download), Carter Jonas could do this as part of their _pro-bono_ commitments.
I would suggest it is most appropriate that all enquiries come through the Parish Clerk but I am happy to assist further in answering queries of the plans and making any amends as required before the plans are lodged with an application to HM Land Registry.
As such, I attach herewith the following:
* VG28 (Village Green 28) – as registered with NYCC in the Commons Register
* VG30 (Village Green 30) – as registered with NYCC in the Commons Register
* Plan delineating village green extension
* Overview Plan of the Village Green (VG28 and VG30) including the proposed extension.