30 September 2024
Parish Meeting in the Institute - Now starting at 7pm with updated Agenda

Agenda for Parish Meeting 9th October 2024
19.00 in the Village Institute 

1/ Agree last minutes
2/ Discuss and vote on TSPM financial reserve
3/ Discuss repair of bus shelter and cost
4/ Discuss and vote on planting replacement tree and cost
5/ And on purchasing Christmas tree for village green
6/ Discuss and vote on amount of grant for the Institute for 2025/26
7/ Discuss 2025/26 financial forecast and set precept
8/ Confirm that Notice of Public Rights of AGAR was displayed between 03/06/2024 - 12/07/2024 
9/ Update re planning application ZD24/00093/FULL (Back Lane)
10/ Discuss and vote on replacing events board, cost to be met from Social Events profits
11/ Discuss and vote on the Parish having a planning committee
12/ Discuss risk management (financial, operational, physical)
13/ Update on data protection and freedom of information policies
14/ Update on Institute building works

Everyone Welcome 

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